Thursday night at the fights!

Thursday night at the fights!

Well, why not!  It may feel great to train, but it is also fabulous to watch!

I thought it might be fun to find some recent women’s bouts and with a huge shout out to the denizens of YouTube, I’ve linked to a smattering of some of the latest uploads I could find! Who needs Showtime, HBO Boxing or ESPN when we’ve got YouTube, right??   Enjoy!

The first bout is from Gleason’s Gym’s recent all Female Amateur Boxing Card!

Great Boxing from Argentina: Roxana Baron vs. Maria Potenza. The fight starts about 5:00 minutes in.

And another great one from Argentina with two skilled boxers: Debora Dionicius vs. Norma Diza Caucota.

4 thoughts on “Thursday night at the fights!

  1. Lisa Creech Bledsoe

    OMG, GB! 1.) I love that you got bout footage, thankyou thankyou thankyou. 2.) THAT’S Coach Ali reffing for the first bout, the one I told you about who is currently at 2nd Round here where I am. I haven’t watched all of the footage yet, so I don’t know if he’s in the others, but that’s him. He goes back and forth to NYC (and lots of other places, I think) to ref and judge and coach, etc.

    I may have to leave another comment later, but had to stop everything to tell you. SMALL WORLD.

    1. girlboxing Post author

      OMG is right!!! How amazing is that, I hadn’t realized that his name was Chris Ali!!! Too funny! And yes, I’ve seen him around ref’ng fights for years, otherwise I’m not too familiar with him, but will ask Len tomorrow and pass on the skinny.

  2. Lisa Creech Bledsoe

    Ok, I saw the videos and got all excited, but of course I didn’t read carefully and see that just the first one was Gleason’s. But who cares?? Good selection of fight footage. Viva Fight Night!

  3. girlboxing Post author

    I though about having just Gleason’s bouts — and then I came across the mother-lode of Argentinian women’s boxing on YouTube and just *had* to put those fights up. They were great weren’t they! And here’s the kicker — those fights are broadcast on live TV!!! Try and find that here Grrrrr…


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