Essays on Loss, Courage, and Personal Transformation

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The Difference!

Every life is transformed by moments, people, experiences that made The Difference.

What if you could have an audience with ten successful humans who have inspired millions of followers around the world to lead more authentic, wholehearted, and expansive lives? What if you could ask these individuals to pinpoint the ONE factor or experience that unleashed the greatest personal transformation in their lives?

The Difference is that audience. From a motivational coach who went from homeless to millionaire; to a prominent psychologist whose 2-year-old daughter drowned in the family pool on her watch; to a self-described female boxing warrior who entered the ring at age 40; to a chiropractor turned shaman, fire walker and healer after helping a friend transition – the unvarnished essays in The Difference capture a multi-colored tapestry of richly inspiring life stories.